Before After
Answer 2 Determining If You Are You A Good Candidate
• You are in stable place in life and are not undergoing marital or social stress.
• You are happy with yourself fundamentally but want a specific physical feature changed.
• Have the ability to comply with instructions.
• Really understand the outcome of the treatment.
• Have reasonable goals.
• There is no ideal age for all procedures but some procedures are better performed in certain age groups. Cosmetic improvements can be done at any age after maturity but timing is very important in the choice of procedure.
Pre-operative Testing Before any surgical procedure performed under General Anesthesia or Twilight Anesthesia (Intravenous Sedation), a pre-operative medical screening will be organized to pick up any potential contraindications or conditions that may need special attention. Chest X-Ray, ECG and routine blood work is part of the Pre-Operative testing If you have any other medical conditions, the surgeon may order additional tests, as appropriate. These tests need to be performed at least one day prior to the scheduled surgery. Ideally you should be in optimal health. If you get a cold or respiratory infection, your operation may be cancelled for your own sake. Give a comprehensive list of medications (both prescription and over the counter) as well as food supplements and herbal medicines you take with any frequency to the doctor administering the tests.
Pre-operative Preparation
• Medications : Some medications need to be stopped 7 days prior to the scheduled surgery. Especially important are blood thinners including Aspirin, Ibuprofen, other NSAIDS, Coumadin, including vitamin E and its compounds, such as evening primrose oil and fish oils; also garlic, garlic capsules and other supplements which interact with drugs etc.
• Smoking has to be quit completely for several weeks before the procedure and even after that the risks of procedures are much higher than non smokers.
• Weight loss to a moderate degree can enhance surgical results of many procedures.
• Hair should be washed and a shower or bath taken before the procedure as there may be restrictions afterwards. Hair treatments should also be done before the procedures for the same reason. Hair can be grown longer before facial procedures as they hide incisions well.
• Loose fitting clothes and bare essentials should be taken to the facility and also comfortable footwear. Always carry an extra set of underclothing. Your doctor may ask you to get support stockings or sports bra or order compression garments.
• Contact Lenses should be left at home but glasses should be used when required. Sunglasses and scarves can help in postoperative camouflage for facial procedures.
• Nothing by mouth preoperatively is the rule for eight hours prior to procedures done under Twilight Anesthesia (intravenous sedation) or General Anesthesia. It is recommended not to take anything by mouth (not even water) after midnight prior to the scheduled surgery.
• Light food may be taken before procedures ONLY under straight Local Anesthesia.